
How to Submit

Manuscripts for Canadian Oncology Today should be submitted digitally to Canadian Oncology Today welcomes submissions from members of the Canadian medical community and does not charge article processing fees or any other fees for manuscript submission or publication.

Submission Requirements

Manuscripts should be submitted in .doc or .docx (Microsoft Word) formats only. When preparing your manuscript, please insert all graphics (figures, tables, etc.) into the main text after the paragraph where each is first cited.

Canadian Oncology Today does not set limits on the length of manuscripts, but suggests that submissions be no longer than 2,000 words, exclusive of figures and references. Short abstracts (under 250 words) may be optionally included but are not required for all articles.

Standard-length articles should include no more than 2–3 figures, tables, and other graphics. References should be formatted using Vancouver style (also known as the citation–sequence or author–number system). They should be listed as end references in the order they appear and identified in text using superscript Arabic numerals.

Canadian Oncology Today publishes exclusively original content that has not previously been published, and condemns all forms of plagiarism, including self-plagiarism.

Plagiarism is the use of others' ideas or words without attribution, presenting them as original rather than derived from an existing source. Self-plagiarism involves using one's own previously published writing without citing it formally, and must be avoided or clarified.

Author Information

Each author must provide a statement regarding funding information and potential conflicts of interest. For manuscripts with more than one author, please also provide author contribution information.

Each author must provide a high-resolution headshot and short biography (max 150 words). Biographical information should include the author’s full name and current positions or affiliations; educational background, including type and level of degree received and institutional information; work experience; current and past research interests; and memberships in professional societies or awards received.

Headshots and biographies of all authors will be published alongside each article. For a manuscript to be accepted, Canadian Oncology Today must be granted license to publish author information.

Review Process

All articles published in Canadian Oncology Today are subject to peer review by the Editorial Board and will be assessed for scientific content and quality. Submitted manuscripts will also be evaluated for alignment with the journal's aims and scope and adherence to its ethical policies.

The submitting author, who is generally the corresponding author, is responsible for the manuscript during the submission and peer-review process and must ensure that queries, revisions, and approvals can be provided within a 72-hour time period during the review of their manuscript.

Upon review, a submitted manuscript may be rejected, accepted with corrections or a request for changes (in which case the Editorial Board may request the manuscript be returned for a second review), or accepted with minor edits. In all cases, the editorial team will forward reviewers' comments, suggestions, or requests to the submitting author. In the event that an article is rejected, the editorial team will inform the submitting author of the reasons for this decision.

All accepted manuscripts undergo copyediting to conform to the journal's stylistic and editorial standards. Corrections and suggested linguistic changes are sent to the submitting author for approval prior to publication.

Canadian Oncology Today publishes all of its articles in both English and French. Finalized English-language articles will be translated into French, and upon approval by the submitting author will be published in the French-language version of Canadian Oncology Today.